Find and Replace

Use the Find and Replace dialog to replace keywords, descriptions, and Custom Field values for multiple items in a catalog at the same.

For information on using this feature, see Replacing Keywords, Descriptions, and Field Values.


Context: Determines search context. Options are:

Replace all Items in Gallery: Repla-ces the indicated field value of all the records in the active Gallery with the value defined in the Replace clause. Disables the Find clause.

Search Selected Items: Limits the scope of the Find to the currently selected items in the active Gallery.

Search Gallery: Searches the entire active Gallery for matching records.

B & C

Find clause: Sets the parameters of the search.

Fields pop-up: Displays all fields, including Custom Fields. Indexed fields are displayed in bold (Indexed fields yield faster searches).

Operator pop-up: Defines the search operator. List changes depending on find field type (B).

Search value: Enter the string to be searched for.


Replace clause: Determines which field value will be replaced.

Replace text box: Enter the string that will be used to replace the existing string.


Add to Multi-valued List: Controls how multi-valued fields are handled.


Replace: Click to initiate the Find and Replace operation. If the field is a single value field, the entire contents of the replacement field are replaced.